Mixed Migration Expert Roundtables: 10-Point Plan Expert Roundtable No.3: "The Return of Non-Refugees and Alternative Migration Options," Geneva, Switzerland, November 30-December 1, 2009

Conference Poster  © UNHCR

The third expert roundtable on UNHCR's 10-Point Plan of Action took place in Geneva from November 30 to December 1, 2009. A total of 35 experts, representing governments, inter-governmental organizations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), discussed the policies and practices pertaining to the identification and implementation of solutions for non-refugees. The roundtable meeting was funded by the European Commission and co-organized by UNHCR, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). Below is a copy of the binder that was distributed at the roundtable as well as additional documents generated during and after the meeting.


1. Main roundtable documents

2. Background information on Mixed Migration

3. Backgound material for the working sessions

4. Conference Poster

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